Choosing Unit4 Recruitment Agencies

If your career is built on your understanding of Agresso/Unit4 software solutions, you’ll probably already know that the biggest stumbling block can be finding the next role as one contract comes to an end. The best solution is to have someone working on your behalf – but what do you need to know about Unit4 recruitment agencies?

Choosing Unit4 Recruitment Agencies

First things first; while we may be biased, that’s not the reason we say that traditional recruitment agencies aren’t worth looking at here. The problem is one of scale versus expertise.

For a typical job listing in a broader category, recruiters can expect to have some success even if all they do is run a search on a CV database for appropriate skills, email everyone who pops up, then call anyone who shows interest, and finally send a giant shortlist across to the client for interviews.

It’s cumbersome (and it can waste a lot of the employer’s time) but the percentage of the population whose skill levels are high enough means a successful placement is a real possibility.

Within niche markets like Unit4, recruitment agencies can’t get away with this strategy. It takes time – and market knowledge – to be able to identify qualified candidates and provide a shortlist. That means you need experts to handle your recruiting – people who know the market and understand what marks a candidate out from the pack.

For example, we can sit down with our clients and work from the job role on out. Years of experience in the market mean we’ve often been able to highlight key skills our clients had overlooked but agree are essential.

Once we have that job role in place, we quite likely already have some possible candidates in mind – but even those candidates will need to be re-qualified before we pass them along in a shortlist. We’ll also see who else might be interested, so the shortlist we present you with has the best chance to include your perfect candidate.

Get started by contacting us today!

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