Securing A Role As An IFS Manager

With a few years of experience under your belt working with IFS implementations, you may be looking for a more senior role. Usually roles with a senior title are either solo implementations or, more often, leadership positions in larger projects. So what does it take to become an IFS manager?

What Companies Look for in an IFS Manager

An IFS Manager role will always be part of a larger team, and will be expected to take responsibility for that team. Through CV submission and interviews, a candidate will need to show both a thorough grounding in IFS Apps and a clear awareness of how to manage and motivate people.

In many cases the interviewer will specifically ask for examples of delegation; how to trust your team to do what you’ve tasked, and also how you solve the issue if a team member doesn’t do as required.

You will also need to show that you can provide a translation of IFS related jargon for a lay person, but if you’ve worked as an IFS analyst or an IFS consultant you should already have plenty of experience with this process. You may even have experience having these conversations with C-Suite individuals. The good news is this really will stand you in good stead.

Finding IFS Manager Roles

The other key stumbling block to securing a role as IFS manager is less difficult, but without preparation, it might not be much less difficult. The trick is just finding the opportunity. As you already know, most businesses operating IFS implementations choose not to advertise related positions on traditional job boards, favouring specialist recruiters or word of mouth within the IFS community.

Of these two options, specialist recruiters are much more commonly used, as they can reach much more of the market.

To make sure you’ll be contacted for roles like this, we recommend you reach out to our team who can pre-qualify you over the course of a phone call. We’ll note your career plans and goals and when the right opportunity arises we’ll help you fulfil them.

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