Also known as Infor Syteline, Infor CloudSuite Industrial is a specialist piece of ERP software designed for companies in the manufacturing, distribution, and wholesale industries. With recent investments in British goods and the continuing shift to an eCommerce economy, the potential market for Infor CSI jobs in the UK is only growing.
Understanding the Market for Infor CSI Jobs in the UK
CSI isn’t the only Infor offering in the ERP sphere. Unlike some of their competitors, Infor have chosen to develop multiple systems each optimised for different industries, with Syteline/CSI supporting several categories and Infor Sunsystems for finance companies, etc.
This makes CSI and Sunsystems both easier to work with for companies in their target industries. However, as that’s in comparison to other ERP systems, there’s still a requirement for skilled professionals to implement Infor systems as configuration to each individual business is still required.
These specialists might include consultants, support specialists, administrators and more. The work they do may range from training your team in the system, collating data and interpreting it for non-technical members of your business, all the way up to writing custom code to help Infor CSI integrate to other systems in your workflow.
There is a wide range of Infor CSI jobs in the UK covering all these processes. Each of them demands a certain level of specialist training and familiarity with the systems involved, and competition for each post is fierce.
One of the best things you can do to improve your chance of landing your preferred role is to make sure your CV is one of the first they see – or something even better than a CV, like our candidate packs.
To get your application in front of a decision maker as quickly as possible, you need to be on the horizon of a specialist recruiter, simply because we are one of the best ways for decision makers to fill these roles. We’ll supply pre-qualified candidates to the client, cutting out most of the work they’d otherwise have to do in sifting through a wider application process.
To make sure you’re one of those candidates, the best thing you can do is contact us today.
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