It can be complicated enough for a seasoned HRIS specialist to keep track of what all their job roles to date have meant. For a business planning to set up their first system, new to the market, and wondering who to hire, it’s a minefield. So we’re going to give you a quick breakdown of HRIS roles, what titles they have, and why you might need them.
You can of course read more on any of these through their links.
How to Identify Needed HRIS Roles
HRIS Project Manager
Especially if your HRIS has to handle multiple working locations, company brands, or divisions, there’s a good chance that the implementation or upgrade ahead of you is going to need multiple team members to complete. If so, you may want to consider bringing in an HRIS project manager.
As you’d expect, these professionals will usually have worked as a consultant or in some other role which provides them with a ‘big picture’ view of the HRIS they specialise in, before moving into project management. It’s comparatively rare to see a trained project manager set out to learn enough about their HRIS to make the transition.
HRIS Consultant
In the tech industry as a whole, consultant is a difficult role to pin down, as it’s often used as a catch-all term for anyone working contract roles within the specific sector. HRIS consultants tend to be broadly split into two categories; functional consultants and technical consultants.
You might bring a functional consultant in on a smaller project to fir the same role as a project manager; they can be a huge help in planning your implementation, as they work with HRIS systems on a strategic level. Functional consultants provide insight and experience that your organisation doesn’t have for itself.
Technical consultants handle the actual nuts and bolts of implementation, from configuring the software to, if necessary, writing customised code to link the HRIS to any other systems it needs to integrate with. They may also help with the transfer of data from your existing systems to the new solution.
HRIS Specialist
You can often track HRIS specialists with the same definitions and understanding as consultants, and in fact you’ll often see candidates for one role having the other role on their CV. There’s one very important difference, though, which is that Specialist roles tend to be permanent roles, while it’s rare for a consultant post not to be contract.
HRIS specialists are often hired for after the implementation, when they will act as an interface between the system and the rest of your company.
HRIS Business Analyst
Ensuring you get the most benefit from your HRIS, a business analyst will take on the task of interpreting everything arising from the system, including performance metrics and any needed changes to policy for onboarding, training, disciplinary, and the like.
HRIS Data Analyst
Where the business analyst works within HR in monitoring your HRIS, a data analyst will often sit somewhere between HR and IT. Collating and interpreting data is at the heart of their role; they’ll focus in specifically on the metrics the system produces, providing information needed by decision makers. Should someone new be hired? Is a given employee not providing value for their salary? A data analyst will give you the tools to decide.
HRIS analysts are sometimes hired to do a little of each, and may have either title when they do.
HRIS Administrator
An HRIS Administrator is responsible for managing and maintaining human resource information systems within an organisation. They play a crucial role in ensuring that all employee data is accurate, up-to-date, and secure.
The main duties of an HRIS Administrator include system configuration, troubleshooting technical issues, and providing user support and training. The HRIS Administrator is essential in streamlining HR processes and improving overall efficiency within the organisation. Check out our current available HRIS Administrator jobs.
Any or all of these jobs might be done on-site or could be handled remotely in some circumstances – in fact there are benefits to recruiting for remote HRIS jobs.
Whichever one currently falls within your remit though, our team have the expertise you need to help you navigate the hiring process with confidence.
Check out our expertise page here to find out more about how we can support you in your next HRIS project.
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