Implementing or upgrading a human resources information system (HRIS) is a sizable project – but one that will pay dividends from the moment it’s up and running and on. First you have to get there, though, and a big project calls for a seasoned HRIS project manager.
Picking the HRIS Project Manager who Matches Your Requirements
Although we do recommend finding an experienced project manager, that doesn’t mean their experience has to have been as a PM. Many HRIS project managers were consultants before they stepped up to hold the big picture clear in their head.
Depending on the scope of your project, you may be able to secure a capable candidate at a lower cost by bringing in an experienced consultant looking to move up into project management.
It’s still important that you be honest in your assessment of project scope here. A consultant just starting out as a project manager is not appropriate if your project will need multiple consultants and other specialists underneath them. It may not be appropriate for the more complex migrations, especially if that migration is taking place in a large organisation with a huge body of records.
Other Factors
Other factors which need taking into account involve your HRIS of choice (if you’ve made a decision like that) – do you need an iTrent PM or one whose experience is in ResourceLink?
Ideally your PM will also have some basic understanding of the other systems you’ll be pulling data from or working with. They don’t have to know the exact details – consultants will be working with them for that – but they should have enough knowledge to catch any obvious issues before they start.
Will you want them on site or can they work remotely? Location restricts the candidate field, but in some cases it will make for more efficient management. In the post-covid world a number of HRIS professionals now work remotely exclusively; this needs to be taken into account.
Lastly, how will they fit with company culture? HRIS project managers will have to report to stakeholders, and that’s much easier if they get on with them. On top of that, your PM may be able to recommend people they’ve worked with before for other roles – and if they also fit the culture, that makes things easier.
Of course, it’s unlikely that even a highly experienced PM will be able to fill out your entire project, as the team they trust is made up of independent contractors, and whether or not a given contractor is available isn’t something the PM can guarantee at will.
To find your perfect project manager – and to help with any other HRIS professionals your project needs – get in touch with the team here at IT Works. We’ll put the pieces into place.
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