Hiring Trends: IFS

With more employers demanding employees back in the office, here’s what IFS Practice Manager, Joe Anderton says about current trends in the IFS ERP market. 




Has anyone else noticed the shift? It's something more and more are talking about… employers offering less fully remote work and instead opting for hybrid options. With businesses requiring more employees on-site more days than ever before, it's already caused major disruptions to recruitment.

Particularly in niche markets such as IFS, with specialist skillsets in demand, your talent pool is already limited. But add in the extra layer of complexity, and you inadvertently build a barrier to entry.


Small decisions ≠ small impact


This seemingly small decision is already having a huge impact on your hiring options.

➡️ If not you than somebody else will!


I hate to say it but, in the war for talent, if you're not offering greater working flexibility another employer will be.


If there's one thing recruitment has taught me, it's 100% possible to find the right person…but they arrive few and far between. Meaning: there's no running water tap or infinite supply of candidates who tick all the boxes. So, when you find the right expert, at the right time, you're willing to offer a package that takes their preferences into account. 

Realistically though, you won't even get to this stage if you're not attracting the right applicants in the first place.

Especially in the world of IFS, competition for A grade talent is at an all-time high. And you're potentially missing out on securing the best candidates (with the right skillset, experience, expertise etc) because of changes you're making to role requirements.


Why less fully remote options are causing you to lose candidates


-Lack of accessibility

-Lack of flexibility

-Lack of incentive


I'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject 💭 Do you think employers have jumped the gun by reverting to more traditional ways of working? Is it optics causing employers to reverse decisions on remote working?


Weigh in on the conversation by commenting 👉 Joe’s post.




Looking for you next IFS opportunity? Or wanting to hire your next IFS expert? Visit our dedicated IFS market page to learn more about our services and our dedicated recruitment specialists.