First of all, there’s no ‘wrong’ way to write a CV per se. The point of this article is to share my thoughts and tips on both what I have seen to work, and also feedback from hiring managers that I work with – the result is hopefully better chances of securing your next interview/position!
Your CV is a vital part of demonstrating your experience to date and ability to do the role in question – in fact it’s probably the main tool you have control over that will make or break your chances of an interview. So anything you can do to make it better increases your chances.
From my experience, it is also an area that is overlooked by many (this includes job seekers, client, and even the recruitment consultants alike).
From my perspective as a recruitment consultant focusing specifically on the Unit4 Business World (Agresso) market, it is my job to ensure each and every candidate I represent is done so in the best way possible.
So, it is also my aim to ensure each and every Unit4 candidate I am representing has a CV that is as accurate and relevant to that specific role as possible.
When it comes to a specialist market like Unit4 Business World (Agresso), this means including details that have been potentially overlooked as not important.
And to be clear, that’s not to say the 10 pager CV is a must and you MUST include everything possible. Any hiring manager that receives one of these will get that instant dread, and if they can’t see what they are looking for easily, then you’ll be discarded.
If your CV is longer than five pages, it’s too long.
If this is the case, go through roles and see if you can make sentences shorter? Do they need to be included at all? Keep it short and specific to that role.
These days the specific details, in easy to digest bullet points, is what works best. Both for being easier on the eye, but also allowing the hiring manager to find relevant experience.
Below I have compiled a checklist that you can use, broken down into different categories that will provide you with advice on what to include on your CV.
Hands-On Positions
(Unit4 Systems Accountant, System Administrator, System Manager etc):
First step, I would recommend a quick intro to the role itself giving it context and outlining your responsibility. Keep it short and simple and then bullet point the relevant details below it.
These could include:
Your main duties.
Were you solely responsible, or did you work as part of a team? If so what size?
Who do you report into/who reports into you?
What version of Agresso have you been working on?
What modules were you working with?
Were you part of an upgrade? If so, what part did you play in it?
What other projects were you a part of? E.g. Experience pack implementations, data cleanses, modular developments.
What additional functionality was added/developed during your time there?
What was the size of the user base?
Are there other interfacing applications that you also worked with/developed/supported?
Did you deliver any training? Desk side/one on one/online/to a small team/classroom style.
Were you responsible for creating/editing any documentation?
If you supported the Agresso application, to what degree did you do so? 1st/2nd/3rd line?
Did you liaise with any outside suppliers? E.g. Unit4 or a partner
Talk about your SQL skills if relevant. Is this at a basic/intermediate/advanced level?
What reporting skills do you have? Excellerator/Browsers/ARC/Xtra Reports etc.
Hands-Off Positions
(Unit4 Project Manager, Programme Manager, Business Analyst etc):
Each position/project should have an introduction as to the goal, and a brief breakdown of your role and responsibilities before going into bullet points to detail the relevant parts.
These could include:
Your main duties?
We’re you solely responsible or did you work as part of a team? If so what size?
How many did you manage directly? And how many indirectly?
Who did you report into?
Was part of your role to liaise with Unit4 and/or a partner? Or was it an independent?
What was the original project scope?
What was the outcome?
What size budget were you working with? (if relevant)
Add in details of what version of Unit4 Business World (Agresso) (if relevant)
What modules? (if relevant)
What other interfacing applications? (if relevant)
Some of the bullet points above might not be relevant so pick and choose what is. Use it as food for thought and you might just find there are few other details that you feel might be useful to include.
I hope these tips help, and if you want a Unit4 Business World (Agresso) specialist to take a look at your CV and assist you with your marketability, get in touch.
We are the experts in Unit4 recruitment and Agresso recruitment so get in touch if you are looking for any of the following roles for your next Unit4 implementation or Agresso implementation: Agresso Contractor, Unit4 Contractor, Agresso Consultant, Unit4 Consultant, Agresso jobs, Unit4 ERP jobs, Unit4 Business World jobs.