Just over 6 months ago, we officially came out of the National Lockdown. In the final 7 months of 2020 (June to December inc.)…
We’ve averaged 125% of target.
We had a record Quarter in Q3.
We’ve had our biggest ever month in November.
We’re about to break the record again for the biggest-ever Quarter in Q4 (that’s two Quarters running).
We’ve had a Consultant break the biggest individual Quarter record by 25%.
We’ve seen previously good Recruiters become incredible Recruiters…and I mean INCREDIBLE.
We’ve seen our ONLY Furloughed recruitment consultant (who was a Trainee in March so we had to protect them) come out of Furlough in July and grow and fly and qualify for all of our awards since.
We’ve hired 6 new Recruitment Consultants…one of whom has been our fastest EVER to achieve First Promotion.
We’re currently interviewing to expand our Marketing Team and we’re going to hire 4 new Recruitment Consultants in February.
Apart from one Trainee Recruiter, we didn’t Furlough a single Recruiter, we backed our people, we didn’t change anyone’s remuneration, we didn’t change any commission structures, we didn’t ask anyone to work a shorter week and we didn’t make any of our recruiters redundant.
In return, we asked for maximum effort and commitment from our teams and we asked our teams to give their market communities their maximum effort, support and commitment.
We felt it important to support our teams and for our teams to support our market communities and the above is what happens when a brilliant team pulls together with a shared belief and shared goals.
Well done Team(s), you were (and still are) awesome.